What's your safe word?

MIRROR: Download from MEGA

So, I'm plum fresh new to BDSM, but after my boyfriend and I had been telling eachother our darker fantasies and started doing some more rough foreplay, I thought there should be a safeword... And I had the brilliant idea of making the safeword be "safeword." You can't really forget it!!

I also brought up the color system to my boyfriend- he said "Oh, that sounds cool... Except let's use banana, grapefruit and peas!" (or something along those lines)... which since we both have bad memories that might ruin the point of a safeword.

I have a tilted cervix, so I've had to tell him to stop fucking me a lot... And he often gets a bit *too* into spanking, and when I'm not into it, I actually notice the pain. In this case, he usually stops when I say "ouch!" and pull away, or "MOTHER FUCKER!!!" LOL. But "stop" and "no" aren't really things that work for me, since our first real venture included a lot of me saying "No, Daddy, no!" He's showed an interest in submission, too, and I just want to make sure he knows I will stop whenever he needs me to, since he's somewhat timid to try it. His kinkier fantasies include some face-riding, so unless I want to be bit/thrown, I'm going to have to figure out what works as a non-verbal safeword. I'll ask him about possibly using a toy.

We've also always had a "keep going" or "more" signal... We scratch at eachother in a "Gimme, gimme" motion. No idea how we got to doing this, but it works. So when I'm saying "No, please stop!" and scratching at the same time, he knows I mean I want him to punish me more:)
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

Just out of pure unadulterated curiosity I was wonder what other's safe words are, or if you have another way to tell your partner to stop (drop toy like OLP).
I have only used the color system and that was about 100 years ago. ;)
W/we do not use safe words. My girl depends on Me to know, because she will not say no. And I do know -- by the look in her eyes, her body language, the tone in her voice, when she has reached her limit.
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

You don't give her a way to stop if she needs to, and you can't see? What if she's in a way that you can't see her eyes, her body language is lying, etc?

We rarely use safewords, we actually use them most for breaking a roleplay type scene to set something straight, because like you, we usually do not need them. But that doesn't mean they're not always there, in case something happens.
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