Diet/exercise/weight loss thread

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Okay, I'm annoyed now.

I saw a different doctor this morning, who basically told me a completely different story to what the other doctor did. Apparently, my toes truly are infection free, but the reason they are so red is because the badly cut nails are poking into the skin, and that to relieve this, I must regularly pull the flesh away from the nail, so that the nail can grow correctly. Only then, apparently, will the redness disappear.

I'm feeling slightly insecure after being told something so different, but I guess I can try it and see if it works. It could take some time though :( But if I truly am infection free, then at least I can start wearing boots again, so can hopefully soon buy some powerwalking boots and decent socks, and start that up again *curses self for being too preoccupied to ask doctor if it's safe to do so yet* :(
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

If that is what I've got, it's my own fault. For nearly 20 years I have picked my fingernails and toenails and literally torn them off. To the point where there was about 90% exposed quick and 10% actual nail. Stress :(

I've stopped doing it now, and so have lovely long sharp fingernails and decent toenails, but the nails on the big toes are the worst to grow back properly. I hope, with this flesh pulling method, that the nail will come to grow away from the flesh as it's meant to, as a guy I know on another forum had to have his surgically removed and insisted on posting pictures of the outcome :eek: :(
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