Knife play

MIRROR: Download from MEGA

Yeah...I've done this. Was quite a unique feeling..holding a knife to my partners throat knowing I could potentially end her life with one wrong move. It scared me more than it did her, I think. I don't know if I would do it again...maybe at a different part of the body but not at the throat. I felt really upset with myself for doing it for ages, knowing what could have happened should it have gone wrong.
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

Knife play by wounds....

Scratch, no blood: Press a lil harder, or go over the same spot again.

Blood wells up in a second or three: Pretty good.

Blood rises while cutting: Maybe a lil too hard

Blood runs easily: Cut too deep; apply bandage, if it clots in five minutes you're good, if not maintain pressure and go get a stitch

Blood is "bubbling" from the wound: You've hit an artery or major vein. Maintain heavy pressure, lots of bandages (you can use a shirt at this point), call 911 and pray to the deity of your choice..... death by exsanguination is very possible at this point.
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