Is there a doctor here?! Worry of damage after using anal beads chain. :(



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Colonoscopy is not done with the patient conscious. It requires general anesthesia. I can speak from experience on this--it has no side effects at all, other than the anesthesia itself. It's safe to assume that the doctors performing the procedure won't molest you--too many witnesses and too much evidence to deal with.

I meant that it'd be rape if they agreed to cut me up, instead of giving me a colonoscopy, but then they, without my consent, while I'd be sedated, would perform a colonoscopy, anyway, because that'd be less costly. It'd be tempting for them to do that to save money, as you usually don't pay for surgery and such in Sweden, so I'd never dream of trusting them. When I'd wake up I would know that they would've raped me to save money... and ruined my life because they don't get how I view things.

Anyway... I'm quite sure that I'm completely fine. Everything seems completely normal. I'm even wondering if it's necessary to get a magnet scan, but I guess I should get that, for my girlfriend's sake. If it's possible that I would have cancer, as someone mentioned, before, it wouldn't have mattered if I died from it, before I met her, but since I now have her, it now most definitely does matter. Of course, they'd still have to cut me up, instead, in such an event, with me awake, so I could guard them from not following my wishes. But I'm sure I'm just fine. I probably just eat too much candy and too little fibres. I don't think I will be able to cut down on candy, all that much, but maybe I can compensate by eating more healthy stuff... even though I already do think about what I eat, but I guess there's a lot of room for improvement.

...I guess for my sake, it was a bit unnecessary to start this thread. Just was kind of... worried. But I'm still glad I did as it'll help others to reconsider going extreme with sex toys and such.
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I'm sorry, why are they going to cut you up? What?
See this is why they have colonoscopies. So they dont have to open you up to see whats wrong with your goddamn colon
I see you have these wild fantasies that your swedish doctors are all secretly total assholes who fuck with people while under anesthesia. Do you have this kind of problem every time you need professional services?

If you would rather suffer or die from rectum/colon related problems (not that you're going to die or that you have have any problems) than have a doctor look at you, fine. No one is forcing you but then again this IS an advice thread and we all did come to same advice which you are really, really intent on ignoring.

I wish your reasoning made any sense at all, but I guess I have to respect your point of view
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Well, I was quite worried when I started the thread... no wonder, but still... had I waited until around now, I wouldn't have started the thread, as I see no reason to worry, anymore. Still, as I said, I'm glad I did, as it may make others reconsider when they think about going extreme.

What I meant with them cutting me up was that I'd make sure that they'd cut me up, instead of giving me a colonoscopy, as being cut up wouldn't be that bad to be exposed to, while a colonoscopy would be an unthinkable option. Just saying what I'd prefer... they aren't going to cut me up... at least I don't think so. I guess I should have that magnet scan done, at least.... suppose I'll post back if I'm completely fine or not, afterwards.

Yep, I agree I haven't listened to the advice given by most. I keep thinking this way... if I'd post about the stabbing pains that I sometimes get around my heart area, people would tell me to see a doctor. If I don't tell anyone, I just ignore it and assume that I should be fine... that I maybe just have slept in a bad position. Same could go for a thing like this... I mean, I don't seem to have reason to worry, anymore. However, again, considering that I no longer only have myself to think about, getting a simple, non-invasive magnet scan is a good idea, even though I feel perfectly fine.

And those thoughts about what doctors may do aren't fantasies; they are real concerns. :B "Paranoia" is the key element that must be adhered to if you don't want to risk getting hurt.
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And those thoughts about what doctors may do aren't fantasies; they are real concerns. :B "Paranoia" is the key element that must be adhered to if you don't want to risk getting hurt.

maybe if you live in a thriller/horror film

you could get into a car accident when you drive, do you not drive a car? You could get fall or get hit while on a bike, do you not do that either? The gas line in your house could break and your house could explode, do you avoid that by being a nomad? A person could rob or mug you on the streets, do you never leave the house? You could choke and die while eating food, do you not eat?

I'm not saying people shouldn't be safe and cautious, like using a seatbelt, looking both ways when you cross the street, not giving out personal information over the internet, not driving under the influence, getting a check-up every few years, etc. But its another thing when your fears prevent you from being healthy or living life (something Sebastian mentioned as well)
In this instance you were fine and there was no harm done. But next time you might not be so lucky. You're as stubborn as anything, and saying this might be as useful as banging my head against a wall, but you really ought to consider that you might be going to far with your fears

Maybe you're going to live a completely healthy life and never ever have to see a doctor for anything ever and never have to learn the mistake of being overly fearful. You're not very old so who knows

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Death, from the exchange you've had with me and Silly, it should be clear that neither of us understands what you think will happen if you go into a hospital in this situation. You can't explain it in a way that makes sense to us. In my experience, when you can't explain what you're really afraid of in a way that others can understand, that's a good sign that there's something illogical in what you're worried about. You're afraid of something that's not rational. I ran into that in a therapy session years ago, when I couldn't explain what I was scared of to my therapist. She helped me realize that the way I was connecting the pieces made no sense. That doesn't mean it's not a real fear, but it usually means the fear isn't a reasonable one.
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Let me get my head around this. You don't want a trained doctor with a nurse and anesthetic to go near you with a long thin tube, but you happily stuff 15 inches of chain up yourself? ............ Dude! :eek:

Well... not anymore. :)

I should cut it up in small pieces so it doesn't ever tempt me... and then get rid of it, of course. Actually I was a bit disappointed with it, though... the long length did little difference to how it felt.
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I did go to to a doctor. I didn't tell him what I had done, but I made up something regular and believable to know if I could have any damage worth significant concern, and asked further questions, just "out of interest", to know what could happen. His conclusion, and especially mine, due to my additional questions "out of interest", was that no serious damage has been done. Even if it'd "only" be damage that in the future just maybe might lead to a hole in the intestine, the pain would be severe, he said. And since I spinned the beads around while it was inside, I asked about a condition "I had just been reading about", to know if just a slightly twisted large intestine would hurt, and he assured me it would. He also said that light blood from the large intestine is normal and heals without infection, as the intestine heals itself without consequence in the way that wounds in the mouth do, despite all the germs that are present. I also got a medicine that indirectly will assist in the healing process. I got no magnet scan (and obviously no colonoscopy), but I've stopped worrying, quite a while ago, already, anyway.
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