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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

HEY!! You said screen saver NOT avatar!!! :eek:
I now get several freebie 'heinous offences', with or without an excuse!! :p
Let the cheesy puns and 'thats what she said' jokes fly, you only have yourself to blame!

8 exclamation marks in less than 30 words, that's even better than I expected...
You model types are such an excitable lot.

"I'm too sexy for my shirt
so sexy it hurts..."


Oh where are my manners? I haven't thanked you for the picture.

Thank You! You've made my day.
You now have Two (2) more or less official "Get out of Heinous Offenses Free" cards. No excuses necessary.
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

Two! That's it? No way, I get 'several'!
And model type - ha- at 5 foot I have never been mistaken for a model, but I appreciate the compliment, thanks.
Ya know, I haven't looked at those pictures since I posted them and cant read the comments more than once either, so seeing my picture as your avatar is very surreal, urg! But you seem to change your avatar a lot, so I wont worry too much.
Oh and because this is smplace I think the quote from Right Said Fred should be "I'm so sexy it hurts".:D

Edit - "I'm so sexy it hurts"
Opps, just noticed that you already said that. :rolleyes:
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

Now that's interesting, I would not have guessed that you were Untall - your writing comes across with more att..., um... ALtitude than that.

You already know this but not all models are 6 foot tall sticks with a facial expression that looks as though someone has recently held a small turd under their nose. Only gay male clothing designers and women in the fashion industry want to look at those. Men (and women) who actually like women, enjoy smooth feminine curves.

There are many other types of model out there. It's ironic that I used your picture as an avatar, because if your Untallness factor is, indeed, approximately 5 foot nuthin' - Well, your very Petiteness lends itself to... wait for it.... AVATAR modeling! I mean, by definition, avatar images are, after all, not very large are they? You already have your lingere shots and some experience! I shall be willing, pleased even, to serve as your first reference for your portfolio - at absolutely no charge whatsoever! Who knows, you could well become the hottest 100 by 100 pixel model in the business. Then it's on to 200 by 200, after that the world is your oyster! You could even be the Official YouTube Avatar Spokesmodel. That's the big bucks!!! No, please, don't thank was the least I could do.

I wish you nothing but the best in your new career. Just please, please, don't forget the little people who were there when you were just starting out.

As for the two "Get out of Heinous Offenses Free" cards; I'll need you to keep this next bit close to your ches.....

Whoa... Sorry, drifted off there for a second.

Well, You gotta keep it secret. You see, I'm (looks all around carefully to make sure nobody is within hearing distance then whispers) a Heinous Offenses Taskforce Chief Of Prosecution. Yeah, that's right, I'm a HOTCOP. Now I'm not here undercover trying to bust unsuspecting punsters. This is legit. I'm here because I truely enjoy the BDSM lifestyle.

You got away with one Heinous Offense and, nice guy that I am, I allowed your attractiveness and status as a glamorus, globe-trotting B&D Avatar model to sway my better judgement. So now you have two 'get out free' cards and want more. 'Several' is the term used, I believe. You know as well as I do that 'several' is waaay too nonspecific a term for a repeat offender like yourself. We both know you can't help yourself. First it's 'just one or two' but that's never really enough, is it?

Here's the facts, Ma'am. I've already let you off with one really serious pun and, against my better judgement and sworn oath have given you two more in the future, primarily because you're a Hottie Photo Model and I'm not on duty here. It has nothing to do with who's a dom and who's a sub, we're equals here, but it has everything to do with the laws of writing and society. Puns are subversive. Much like a federal marshal or a comic book inspector, I have sworn to uphold the opinions of society against puns, 'punnyiness' and other anti-social behaviors.

'Bottom' line (uh, no sub joke intended there) is that two freebies is all you get. Maybe, just MAYBE we can plea-bargain a third offense by getting you to do some charity work for the court in your capacity as an Avatar Supermodel, but NO promises! Sometimes my hands are tied in these matters, no wait, that's not right... I'm the rigger who ties other people up...

Just be aware, okay?

Grey Friday
HOTCOP, esq.

As to as taking the blame, I am willing to accept the responsibility, but I'm afraid you'll have to find someone else to take the blame....
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

your writing comes across with more att..., um... ALtitude than that.....
This really heinous offence buys me at least one more!

I'm a HOTCOP. Now I'm not here undercover trying to bust unsuspecting punsters.

I must appeal to the board on this one. I mean seriously how can I be punished for horrible puns when you create an acronym like this!!!

You got away with one Heinous Offense and, nice guy that I am, I allowed your attractiveness and status as a glamorus, globe-trotting B&D Avatar model to sway my better judgement. are soooo easy!

'Bottom' line (uh, no sub joke intended there)

You are cutting it very close with this careful.

Sometimes my hands are tied
That's what she said!

Just be aware, okay?

Yes Sir! ;)
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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

Wow, was trying to read that and my mind went off in the middle of it so I got totally lost. I'd congradulate you on being able to confuse me, but I was staring at the computer most of the day after swim class, then giving myself a headache while trying to stare into a microscope during bio, and here I am in the dark after reading some of a book staring at the computer screen. All in all, the main point here is that My head-ache and exhaustion are the foes to blame in my confusion, so no credit goes to the GMac.

Yeah....I'm random. Maybe the "HOTCOP" should do something about my crime of randomness.... -laughs-
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