Nipple clamp help


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so my Master really enjoys playing with my chest and nipples and i love using clamps,and while the set we have is nice and are adjustable. they pop off when pulled or just over time, i was considering buying some different ones that stay on better. I keep hearing the clover ones stay on really good but hurt a lot. so i'm not sure if i should buy and try because i know pain thresholds are different for everyone, or just not bother?

Master doesn't even use the clamps anymore because they fall off so easily no matter how tight we put them on.. and its frustrating for both of us because it limits what we can do if he is busy else where or if he wants me to wear them out..

these are really similar to what we have now:

any suggestions?

Masters lil pet~
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I (we) have had similar experiences with the same types. I enjoy plenty of pain so we want ahead and purchased the clover clamps (connected by a heavy chain). They are indeed very intense (read painful) but if you're willing to try them I'd say go for it. Buy a set of testers and see if you like them. So far they've only been pulled off once (ouch) and no damage was done.

The chain broke for us (it seemed very good quality but we did get them on sale)' so I would advise getting separate ones with the ability to add weights/chain/ribbon etc.
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New Member

MIRROR: Download from MEGA

Hey, I'm just a new here but if you are still interested to buy a nipple clamps until now, purchase it now at adam & eve but don't forget to use the coupon code LUSTY50 at at the checkout at Adam And Eve to get 50% OFF on just about ANY item when you use that coupon Plus, you’ll also get FREE Discreet Shipping, a Mystery Gift, and FREE Bonus DVDs. This offer is good for first time customers only.
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