religion and personal believes and bdsm


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Ok so to get to the point, how do you combine your religion or believes with bdsm. So i'd like to hear how it works for you, how it combines with your spiritual life.

And so i don't just ask, i'll make it fair and start with my views on the topic. I'm agnostic with a growing interest in wicca so i don't really have any conflicts or anything. I view sexually as something natural and positive as long as no-one is harrmed or abused.
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I have said many times before that I am Catholic which includes mass every Sunday and paying out the ass for Catholic school tuition. My religion does not come into play as far as BDSM goes. What happens between two consenting adults raises no more issues for a religious person versus anyone else. My religion has more of an influence on politics than it does on my sexual preferences.

I posted the following in the BDSM/Abuse thread awhile back but it fits here too:
How religion and BDSM work together? Here's a good quote: "he dominated her, ordering her to participate, freeing her from any reigns her morality might have out on her."
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Although I have more or less stopped practicing, I have followed a buddhist lifestyle for many years. I found the meditation training has been really helpful in keeping me calm in public situations and the precepts have helped me maintain a happy, peaceful and disciplined daily environment.
That's not to say I don't have a temper as unfortunately I do!!

For me, the two have complimented eachother although I can't say that they are literally combined...
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Joining BDSM with religion is not difficult or contradictory in any way for me as BDSM, or most specifically, having a Master/slave relationship, is a very big part of my religion. I have simply "invented" my own religion that I know holds the ultimate truth. I was, to a degree, raised as a Christian, but when I, as a child, found out what Christianity stands for, I knew it was false and distanced myself from it. Not even my parents ever believed in much of it... it was just tradition.

My religion mainly revolves around the finding of one's true love to whom you'll lose your virginity, and who will lose their virginity to you. At the point when you have sex with your true love for the very first time, the loss of each other's virginities to the other will cause your souls to join and become one, connecting them forever, to eternity, making you inseparable. The importance of sex is a major part of my religion, as it deeply keeps bonding the two. Furthermore, the presence of BDSM and the presence of a real, true Master/slave relationship (with, in my case, me as the Master) are other factors that heighten the bond. Together with sex, these further increase the bond to a point that only can be increased additionally through death. After some time together in this world, the two will join together in death through a suicide pact. Death is only a positive thing for the two, and something to look very much forward to, even though their living in this world also is of great importance, but the joining of the two together in death is the final thing that will complete their happiness and satisfaction. "Death" is a lot like normal life except so much better, with basically no limits.... what you wish would be different, like sexual limits, is up to you to change in death. For those who, in fate - at this point in their soul's "time" - are ready for it, "death" is the ultimate form of beauty.... the final and eternal point of perfect existence.

There are other things I could say about my beliefs, as well, but that covers what's most important... but yeah, anyway... no problems surrounding the joining of BDSM and religion in my case. :p
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Well I'm a Roman Catholic, I go to mass every Sunday, I do confession, and the way I see it, as long as you're only having sex with someone you truly love, what you two do to each other doesn't matter why would God care. I believe that God doesn't care what religion you are or any of the minor stuff, I think that everyone has basic sets of morality and as long as you follow those and are truly repentant for your sins, you're okay in God's book. I didn't have trouble getting into bdsm because of my religion, it was mostly because of my conservative traditional surroundings, being raised according to my mom as a gentleman. (I'm not implying anything there, please don't read into that)
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I view sexually as something natural and positive as long as no-one is harrmed or abused.

Oh so true.. I honestly believe that ppl. who are constantly trying to tell kids that sex (or BDSM or wtv. kind of sex you have) is bad and filthy, and that the bedroom is not a place for creativity or self expression but a place to do it missionary-lights-off style everytime should be ashamed of themselves.
Ofc. you should not be a child and have sex, but assuming that we are all consenting adults: Sex is VERY healthy :)
And I think that no matter what kind of sex ppl are having - be it BDSM, anal sex, vanilla sex, gay sex etc. - it is healthy and good for you (assuming that you protect yourself against STDs ofc). This is my personal belief - whatever floats your boat as long as it doesnt harm anyone, and as long as all ppl. are consentin adults. As far as religion goes im not super religious at all. I would characterize myself as spiritual mostly I think. However if there is a God Im convinced he made sex enjoyable because we were meant to have it :)
Im mostly answering this from a BDSM-in-the-bedroom point of view. However, I also believe in "whatever floats the consenting adult's boat" when it coems to 24/7 BDSM relationships that may not even involve sex..
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