Ceiling Mounts - Update! and Walkthrough


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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

Hey everyone,

I wanted to share my success with my concealable ceiling anchor points project.

Disclaimer: Don't use these for suspension!



Supplies needed:
Drill and drill bits
Sammy Woodscrews (You can get them at Fastenal Here
1" Spade bit (Could also use a forstner
1" Plastic hole plugs (You can get them at Home Depot, I couldn't find any at Lowes)
3/8"-16 Eyebolts (Get the shortest thread length, I cut mine down to about 3/4")
3/8"-16 Nuts
Dry wall spackle for cleanup later.


Step 1:
Find the ceiling joists and layout where you want the anchors

Step 2:
Put on your safety glasses!

Step 3:
Hammer in some small nails to make sure you know where the center of the joist is.

Step 4:
Put down plastic over everything. The drywall dust is really messy.

Step 5:
Using the spade bit, drill through the drywall ceiling. Stop when you get the wood above the drywall.

Step 6:
Drill a pilot hole for the sammy screw

Step 7:
Screw the sammy screw into the hole using the sammy bit and a drill

Step 8:

You should end up with this:

When you want to play just screw the eyebolt into the sammy screw.

And when you are done playing just remove the eyebolt and install the plastic plug

They are really not noticeable with the plugs in:



Depending on how often you install and remove the plastic plugs, you may have to line the inside of the hole with a durable layer. I am going to try gluing a thin sheet of plastic around the inside of the hole to keep the drywall from flaking.

I just want to reiterate.
Disclaimer: Don't use these for suspension! There are too many variables that make this not suspension grade.

Thanks for reading my post. Comments are appreciated.

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MIRROR: Download from MEGA

Not bad, just looking at it from an Architectral view (I'm in uni studying it :p) that cracking can't be too good. And how well are they put in with the joists above?

I helped install a hook into a bedroom ceiling (that could be unscrewed like yours and plugged if needed) that CAN be used for suspension.

What we did was screw up between the joists (through the plaster board) then lay a thick bit of wood over the two joists you've just screwed up between. Using a long bolt screw the eye bolt into that thick bit of wood.

It will be resting on the two joists and strong enough for suspension (the guy I helped uses it for a swing). It also helps keep the integrety of the beam/joist (trust me you'd be surprised just how much damage screwing too much into a joist can do).

But as for your bolts, for whatever you wanna use them for: fantastic work! The idea is ingenious and if you're not bothered about not being able to suspend then fantastic! Just be careful about that cracking like I said.
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New Member

MIRROR: Download from MEGA

So what do you use yours for? Just curious now :D

Ah well, I haven't used it yet.
See, the wife is away on an internship until October. So now I have all this time on my hands and have been coming up with all sorts of crazy projects to do.

This one will eventually be used to tie her (or me) in interesting ways...

I plan on not telling her about it. To see if she even notices. Then blindfold her, then tie her up to it. I am not sure what a good position would be other than simply holding her hands up and spread. (I could do legs up and spread too)

I am trying to think of a good position that would have her on her knees and still utilize these mounts.
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