Women and horses?

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Frankly, I highly doubt that 'loads' of women _do_have sex with horses. You're probably getting this idea from the fact that there is porn made about this activity, but porn is a highly distorted form of reality. The women who perform in such videos do it, by and large, because they paid to do so, not because they are bestiality fetishists. But this is true of most porn stars. It's their job. In some cases they might enjoy their work, but many do it simply because it's a way to make money. Last year, a gay-for-pay porn star, Malachi Marx, caused a minor stir when he announced that he was giving up gay porn and that he had never enjoyed any of the sex he was having on camera. This caused a lot of anger, with many gay men accusing him of lying to get attention. To my mind, the reason they were so angry was that he was tearing away the illusion that all performers in gay porn are really doing it because they love gay sex.

I have no problem saying that bestiality is immoral. Animals cannot give informed consent and cannot exactly refuse to participate. Thus bestiality is akin to pedophila, and it also violates the Consensual element of SSC (as well, arguably, as both the Safe and Sane elements).
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Clearly, there is a market for this sort of crap, because if it didn't sell, there wouldn't be very much of it made. But how large that market is realistically, I have no idea. I pretty much assume that, with the exception of lesbian porn, most porn involving women is made to reflect the tastes of a male audience, not the actual sexual desires of women. There is a small amount of 'feminist porn' being made that tries to address female desire, but my understanding is that it doesn't sell terribly well (although maybe I'm wrong).

I suppose some porn performers are essentially unwilling (certainly Linda Lovelace made that claim years after Deep Throat was released), but I doubt it's a major issue. There are too many willing performers, who do it because there's money to be made, for most porn produces to need to coerce large numbers of women either with threats or drugs. But for something more extreme, like bestiality stuff, I suppose coercion might be an issue.
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beastuality isn't immoral in all cases. If a woman gets on her hands and knees naked with a dog in the room, unless there is someone else in the room guiding the dog to fuck that woman, then the choice is up to the dog. If said dog mounts the woman, true she may of provoked it a little by getting on hands and knees naked, but the dog could of ignored it. Truly, animals don't have the human mind of "sex for pleasure", they do it as an instinctual act of keeping the species going. Whether they find pleasure in it or not, I don't think we'll ever know. A dog will always follow his nose to a "bitch in heat", whether its a pleasure or not.
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I can't imagine why people do this other than the money. However, I don't claim to understand all people's kinks. However, as an experienced equestrian (horseback rider), I can tell you that I would NEVER have sex with a horse. It is so incredibly dangerous, I cannot stress enough how bad of a plan it is. Stallions (uncastrated horses which are the only ones likely to become aroused) are SO unpredictable. We had a stallion who was kept in his own paddock with the only other animal he didn't try to mount, a tiny pony of ours. One day we came home and the pony was dead, completely beaten to a pulp, and he was covered in dried sweat meaning he must have been RUNNING for his LIFE. The stallion was the only thing that could have done this to him. And think, this was a pony he loved and had been going outside with for, literally, years. A 600lb pony. Think of what he could have done to a 120lb girl. I'm sorry if I've upset anyone with that horrific story, but I just CANNOT stress enough how horrible of an idea this is.

OMG that made me so sad!! Poor pony :-(

And I can't understand having sex with any animal really :-/ I'm into humans lol. call me crazy ;-)
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while I'm sure there are things that others here are into that may leave us questioning or wondering why, lets all remember that we are all here because we each have something that we enjoy that runs the gambit to the left of normal. Just because it's not understood doesn't mean that we should ostracize anyone with this particular predilection.
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