Most non-destructive pain possible.


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I've been doing some brain storming on this issue for something to threaten my slave about.

So far the worst thing I can come up with is grinding up Habanero peppers and using it as a vaginal lubricant.

I'm not all that sure if this would even be safe, and I know from experience that when I got some under my finger nails that it continued to burn for three days. This would suck for me later down the road when I want to have sex with her because of how hard that stuff is to wash out.

I don't want to do any permanent damage to her, please leave your suggestions for better options.
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OLP, are you sure about this? I've seen a lot of references to ginger used in the vagina. Granted, I'm not a vaginatarian, so what do I know?

Chili peppers can in fact do serious damage. There was an incident a month or two ago of a group of boys in Germany who chugged a bottle of extremely hot hot sauce and would up in the hospital, a couple of them in comas. The reason you sweat when you eat a chili is that chemicals in the chili convince your body that you're on fire and your body tries to put the fire out.
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Candle in the vag

make her do a handstand against the wall and put a candle in her vagina. tie her feet to something on the ceiling. candle in the vagina whenever she gets tired or trembles she will have wax drip down on her

one concern, too long with the head upside down could be painful and eventually COULD do serious damage. I wouldnt make her do this for longer then 5 minutes.
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My first BDSm fantasy, decades ago, was designed to do no actual harm:

[Works best if your Sub is lean but NOT athletic or at least not currently on an exercise program for some time]

Force your Sub to exercise in ways not recently practiced -- a lot. Some more. And some more. Couple of hours, taking care to stay within limits and to hydrate if sweating....

Wait 24 hours or so, and just MASSAGE your Sub's soreness away. I think with a deft touch you can make this as exquisitely painful as possible, and do no actual harm -- you Sub will be in great physical shape if you keep repeating until there is no pain.

You can be as evil in tenderness as you sub can stand.

Seriously, tell me if you think it is stupid -- that was my 16 year, old high school, fantasy and I didn't even know what a sub was or the names for all this stuff -- and while I was totally convinced that what is in our imagination is never bad, never evil, never immoral, I didn't think anyone would ever WANT TO SUBMIT, and knew that I would never FORCE anyone.

It was only supposed to be just: A FANTASY.

What high schooler in 1968 middle American would have thought there were whole communities of people who did this stuff?

Now with the Internet, you can eventually find SOMEONE who shares your fantasy or who at least finds it intriguing and seductive.....

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