How do you respond to this?

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Here's what I originally wrote

Yeah, here's my original document, just in case anyone wants to read. Actually, I was never indoctrinated, b/c nobody ever told me anything, I'm too shy to ask, and thus I had to figure out this stuff myself. I also shouldn't have tried to pass this off as marraige advice to a bunch of 40-50 year olds (i.e. my parent's age group). My parents just want me to be nice and respectful to my girl, and want me to find someone I'll spend the rest of my life with.

I have noticed that many Christian couples have not taken the Heavenly Mandate in Ephesians 5:22-26 to its ultimate conclusion. What the Apostle Paul is trying to advance here, is that, for a godly marriage to bear fruit and thrive, the wife must fully submit to her husband. Before you start screaming about egalitarianism and women’s rights and other things, which will simply serve to confuse the issues and muddle the facts, let me use an analogy. Imagine two buckets, one full of water, and one empty. Each bucket is a Holy Spirit filled soul. The water is rapturous love. Further, let us postulate that they are level with each other. Now, can the water flow from the full bucket to the empty one? No. And what happens to standing water? It becomes prime breeding ground for mosquitoes, especially the ones that carry West Nile virus and falciparum malaria, something you want to avoid at all costs. You *really* don’t want the equivalent scenario in your soul. Now, if the full bucket was lifted over the empty one, the water can come rushing out, filling the empty one --we assume the buckets have an infinite capacity --. There is a way this analogy can be accomplished in a marriage. It is called a Master/slave relationship, M/s for short. A Master/slave relationship is the epitome of Eph 5:22-26. In one, the husband is now known as the Master, and He agrees to love His slave, protect His slave, and care for His slave, etc., just as Christ so loved His Church. The wife is now known as the slave, and she agrees to serve and be totally dependent on her Master for everything except things that only Christ Jesus Our Lord can provide. But it is far more than a simple change of terminology. I will give you an example from the wonderful fantasy land I escape to in my mind. In it, I am a respected scientist, as well as a part-time federal magistrate judge. Chloe, my slave-girl, lawfully wedded wife, and My best friend, is a cytotechnologist. She fully submits to and fully loves Me. She happily wears the calf leather, gold thread embroidered with a proclamation of my love for her, ermine-lined, slave collar I handmade especially for her everywhere she goes. She enjoys me leading her on a leash in public, simply because it comforts her greatly, makes her feel set apart and special, as well as safe and secure in My oversight and My rapturous love for her that knows no bounds. She also submits to My chastisement, which doesn’t happen often, with a cheerful heart, because she knows that I truly have her best interests at heart. She does this, because, even after I have forgiven her for her wrongdoing, she still cannot forgive herself, and asks Me to punish her in order to remove her self-imposed guilt. If you are a good biblical scholar, you will notice this is exactly what Christ commands of His Church. The key mantra for a thriving M/s relationship is “trust, trust, trust,†just like the key mantra in real estate is “location, location, location.†The Master must trust His slave-girl to trust Him in everything except those areas where Christ supersedes Him. The slave-girl must trust her Master so completely that she can give her all in all to Him, and know that He will not harm her. In the beginning, my sweet chloe would trust me very little, but as our M/s relationship and marriage grew, the she began to give Me more control over her. Eventually, she consented not to consent. Oxymoronic, I know. But it runs far deeper than that. By consenting not to consent, she decided that she loves and trusts me so completely that she’s willing to cede all control to Me. What an honor and privilege which she bestowed upon me! By ceding all control to me, she is now free to focus on serving Me and Christ, which makes her happier than when I take her out for a hot fudge sundae at the local Dairy Queen, after ice skating, dinner at Morton’s Steakhouse, and the latest comedy film. Her, and her only serving Me is a sole source of pride and pleasure for her, just as the fact that I, and I only serving Christ is a sole source of pride and pleasure for Me. But I also trust her to have enough common sense to veto Me if I order her to do something idiotic, like commit an illegal act or violate a Commandment, and to have enough common sense to take care of herself. I’m not a micromanager. And I would never chastise her in a manner that would harm her, physically, mentally, or emotionally. If I did that, I’d no longer be her Master, but her tormentor. Chloe enjoys having me chain her up and tickle her. But leather and chains are not a necessary, nor a sufficient condition for an M/s relationship. An M/s relationship can be purely mental and emotional, if that’s what the parties want. You and your husband/wife, can grow deeper and closer together in Christ if you choose to adopt this method of relationship handling and structuring.

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master jey


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This sounded like an advertisement, right?
I think the invading army will try to recruit him first, then if he dosent join they will try and kill him but end up killing all of his subs as they throw themselves in front of him.:)
omg and after his subs are destroyed sparrow will destroy the army and will become world dominant and we'll be his slaves :eek:
i said too much XD
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omg and after his subs are destroyed sparrow will destroy the army and will become world dominant and we'll be his slaves :eek:
i said too much XD

Well, these people seem schizophrenic ("We will not discuss BDSM" ?!? Then what are you discussing, pray tell?):

Seriously, just say that you guys are BDSMers. Only BDSMers can write a multi-page article on spanking.

One paraphrased example from another page: "He whipped me every day, because I could not break my caffeine addiction and bought a soda".

Tell me, Masters and Mistresses, would you EVER do this for something so slight as a caffeine addiction. slaves, would you EVER agree to this? I would most definitely not enjoy punishing my slave every day. My goal is eventually to train her so I won't need to, and she can almost read my mind and vice versa.

Give me examples of how you guys would handle this. I wouldn't have an issue with this, unless she's crazy high and making herself ill.

And btw, they need a safeword and a contract, not some my-whim-is-law thing.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!I looked at the web site and thought it was hysterical until I realized they were serious.
Looks like some body took the "Promise Keepers" to their logical extension.
We should get them together with the "FEMDoms" just for fun!

If I was the sub and I wanted to break my addiction to caffeine, I might agree to that.
But in BDSM for all of what it looks like, punishemnts are not hurtfull.
and the sub can opt out of a given punishment when ever they want.
And a Dominate can always choose not to do something if they don't want to.

Remember the one thing that prevents what we do from just being abuse is the consent and enjoyment of both the sub and the Dominate, If both arnt enjoying it then it's plain wrong.
We don't do this just because we think we should or we think were right, or we think its the way for every one.
WE do it to get close to our partner and because we like it.
I don't want judgments passed on me, so I won't pass judgements on others..but
If it's not consensual- it's wrong.
After that what ever you and your partner want to do together is not my business or any one elses.
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Seriously, just say that you guys are BDSMers. Only BDSMers can write a multi-page article on spanking.

Not true. Spanking was used as an implement of interrogation and discipline worldwide in MANY cultures, as an alternative to whipping, as it caused pain, in most cases which can be unbearable, but leave less to no permanent damage. Case in point, its STILL a punishment for breaking the law in some countries, particularly Asian cultures.

One paraphrased example from another page: "He whipped me every day, because I could not break my caffeine addiction and bought a soda".

Tell me, Masters and Mistresses, would you EVER do this for something so slight as a caffeine addiction. slaves, would you EVER agree to this?

And this why I knew there was more to this story. The original post you put up stated "suffice it to say, your basic premise of slave/master relationship is terribly flawed," and indeed I agree with that statement. Your making a common misconception, probably not your fault, but one that's been discussed on here quite often. A SLAVE has no options but to agree with whatever her master desires. What you are referring to is a Dominant/Submissive relationship, which while it is similar, allows a submissive to retain some rights, and the ability withdraw from an activity or a session. A Slave has agreed to forgo those and surrender completely 24/7 with no say in anything.

I would most definitely not enjoy punishing my slave every day. My goal is eventually to train her so I won't need to, and she can almost read my mind and vice versa.

As I said, You'd do fine with a submissive, in a dom/sub relationship, which is NOT a master/slave relationship... they are as different as dating and marriage. While a sub and dom may decide to call it quits as they both grow in tastes as dating couples often tend to do, a master/slave relationship is for life... unless the master and only the master decides its at an end.

Give me examples of how you guys would handle this. I wouldn't have an issue with this, unless she's crazy high and making herself ill.

I've once made one of mine shave her head for dyeing her hair without my permission. A daily spanking as aversion therapy for caffeine addiction is not unheard of. especially for a slave.
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Protoman2050... I think you have a clear view of what you want to have and your heart is in the right place, I just think you need to get a little more experience or see a little more of a 24/7 BDSM marriage before you try to implement one. There are so many variables to consider and they aren't all black and white. Example... do you want children? How will they fit in to all this? How do you want them to view their mother? My husband is my 24/7 slave.. we have children.. my husband has given himself fully to me and therefore has no rights except the ones I give him and yes... my whim is his law! However.. our children do have rights and expectations and it is perfectly in their right to have a normal relationship with their father. Before children my slave ate on the floor at my feet.. since having children he has joined us at the table (although other rules were set in place regarding this), before children he wore chains at home after children they chains weren't feasible (again other standards were set in place).. you get my drift... My parents woudn't understand this.. my slaves parents definately wouldn't understand this... special standards and rules are put in place when they visit or when we visit them.. and he is fully expected to comply with my commands regarding any changes that need to be made. Not everyone understands or "gets" BDSM and I've found that what works best for our relationship is to simply leave the ones who don't understand out of it.. it's not between you and your pastor anyway.. it's between you and your gf.. leave it where it belongs and walk away from the toxic people in your life.

As for the scenario with the soda... I didn't read the article to get the whole jist of it, but going by what you said in your post... If I ordered my slave to leave the caffeine alone and he disobeyed.. he'd indeed be punished, because it's not a matter of whether he disobeyed a small command.. it's just that he disobeyed period! Would it be a daily punishment... no.. something more along the lines of him kneeling before me having to drink so much soda in one sitting that to even look at a soda makes him gag would get the point across much more than a daily whipping. And again he'd understand that my word is law and to deviate from that has consequences.

He has many good points. That is why invading armies will probably kill him first. :)

And they'd definately kill him off right away... he has a strong will, thinks for himself, and thinks outside the box... invading armies want slaves ;)
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