How do you respond to this?

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I just wanted to ask if you can respond to the emails a psychotic former pastor I once had sent to me...what would you say to such a man?

I sensed that much of what you had to say was “tongue in cheek,†since it leaves the plane of reality and ventures into fantasy at several different points. For that reason, I’m not going to begin to explain to you just how flawed your translating and exposition were, since it seemed you were joking. Suffice it to say, that your basic premise of slave/master relationship is terribly flawed, heretical, anathema to Scripture, condescending, and filled with sexual overtones which should never be associated with Christian marriage or God’s Holy Word. Further, your note in your e-mail about a couple participating in BDSM within the bounds of a Christian marriage is both antithetical and phenomenally outside any definition of marriage contained in Scripture. Your numerous references to the “hotness†of your wife seems grossly immature and selfish, and your definition of her characteristics appear normal at times, but are salted with compulsive language and ideas which lead me to wonder about the substance and depth of your own Christianity.

I think we need to get together and further discuss the contact you have had with pornography. Clearly your “victory†over porn, which you said was final and complete, is neither. I am alarmed and believe we need to take some accountability steps immediately. I will discuss a planned “fast†from your computer with Pastor Rob and the installation of Christian spyware which will assist all of us in viewing what you view and interact with on the Internet once your fast is completed. Clearly, this has been allowed to fester in your soul and is reaping a crop of perversion and fleshly indulgences which have no part in God’s Kingdom.

I look forward to speaking with you about all of this very soon. You should call my voice mail and let me know when you might be available to speak with me. We should also discuss how we can bring your parents, who obviously have some knowledge of this situation, into the accountability “sphere.†We need 100% commitment, and 100% participation...

I regret that your response to my previous e-mail was to fall into hurt and anger and finally, hatred. This is, you should note, a product of your sin. If you are truly pursuing the things of Christ, if you are truly reaching for what He wants, if you are ultimately submissive to God in a relationship which exalts both His glory and His people, then your increasingly downward spiral of sin would not continue to persist.

I am not sure, even, why the last e-mail would cause you hurt. You are persisting in a lifestyle which is outside of a relationship with Christ. Even the website you found clearly states on its front page that the only interpretation of Scripture which they will follow is their own. Douglas, are you serious? You want me to take seriously a group which will not be submissive to church elders, to the practice and understanding of the church for 2000+ years, and to basic common sense? Am I to understand that I, too, am too narrow-minded to allow for BDSM in the Christian life? Let me make this clear... I am not a narrow-minded person when it comes to sex. In fact, I am rather broad-minded. However, I am entirely biblically-minded.

The biblical model is one of mutual respect, mutual submission to God, mutual submission to one another, and clear male headship which is to reflect the headship of Jesus Christ toward His church. In what capacity do you EVER see any of the traits of the BDSM lifestyle modeled by Jesus? In what ways is Jesus modeling BDSM today? In what ways does the Trinity model BDSM?

BDSM is a twisting of proper biblical submission, and the website you found is patently cultic. They have placed themselves outside of authority, and they have made a lifestyle issue, rather than the Scriptures, as their primary guide. Make no mistake, the website you have found and the people associated with that website, are not the people of God. They are wolves who are trying to convince the sheep that the Bible says something it does not. It infuriates me that they have led you into deception, and is further proof you need more help than you know.

The last time we e-mailed about these issues, I asked you to call me so we could discuss the issues and deal with your pornography addiction.

I never received a call. Nothing. All I got was a comment from you on a Sunday morning one week where you told me to just “forget about what I wrote, forget about it, I don’t want to talk about it anymore.â€

Douglas, let me make this abundantly clear... You call me to set up an appointment by Friday of this week, or I am going to go up the chain of command and involve both the elders and your parents. If you want to persist in your sin, then you will do so in a completely public manner. If you are committed to “I won’t change my position,†then you will be brought to the elders and to your parents. They are clearly your spiritual authority in every sense of the Word of God, and they, not just I, will need to engage your choices.

For the record, I will not agree to disagree, if it means tolerating your sin. However, I do agree, I do disagree with you.

The ball is in your court. It is time for you to submit your views and your proposed lifestyle to the spiritual leaders in your life. You have rejected me and Pastor Rob as spiritual leaders in your life, so I am following Matthew 18 and Ephesians 6 in engaging other spiritual leaders and your parents.

In case I have not been clear, the BDSM lifestyle is opposed to Scripture and is not reflected in Jesus Christ in any way. I am encouraging you to repent from your sinful practices and embrace accountability in both your computer usage and pornography addiction.

This may strike you as being “mean†or “inflexible.†Douglas, I assure you it is not. I am treating you as though you were my own son. I love you, and this has got to stop. I await your response.

Btw, here's the site that was referenced:

Please, I'd like an experienced practitioner to respond to this, and tell me what s/he'd say to someone who talked to you like that. Pretend these emails were sent to you, and you were responding. I know he's making a bunch of contradictions and misconceptions, but I'd like to know which specifi misconceptions he indicated.

This will mean a lot to me,
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you now you did great ignoring him this is the best way,knoking his teese out wouldn't do any good i'm just hursh
an i always thought thet everything in church is incognito i don't think he has a right to discuss your "problems"(i mean by it thet he thinks it's a problem)with others and your family
i would post a better reply but my store of english words is poor i'm sorry

Seriously. Oh, btw, teese is spelled "teeth".
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By the sound of it, this man is not even willing to try and understand you. So, as stated above, changing his mind, or at least getting him to try and understand your viewpoint, is never going to happen.

I'm wondering, now, if maybe he has done something BDSM related in his past, that went wrong, and perhaps he is doing what he's doing to you now out of concern (although even if this is the case, I would still think that he's going about it completely the wrong way)? I'm guessing this is probably not likely, and that he is just being narrow minded after all, but maybe it wouldn't hurt to bring this up next time you speak to him?

I also have another question: how important is the church to you, especially when measured against how much you value BDSM? Is it just this one guy causing you problems, or do other church members feel the same way? Because if you wish to continue an actively religious life (you mentioned Christianity, but is this Catholic, Protestant, something else...?) then you need to be happy, and not made to feel like shit by members of your church.

I used to be a Catholic, but had a crisis of faith, I suppose you could call it, in around my late teens. I had been feeling sceptical and disillusioned for a number of years by this point, and having these thoughts wasn't doing me any good. I just wanted out of the Catholic Church, out of religion altogether in fact. My mother was not impressed by this, and set up an appointment with me to see our priest.

And this, let me tell you, was a very interesting chat. I just said to the priest straight, I don't believe in any of this stuff any more, it's not doing anything for me, I want out. And he looked me in the eye and said that it was okay to feel the way I did. That it was perfectly normal to feel this way, and that if I didn't think religion was going to be of any use to me, then there was no point in me pursuing it any further.

He was really good with me during that chat, and I left there feeling a whole lot better about things. I stopped going to church there, and a few months later, my parents converted from Catholic to Methodist, which, in my opinion, is a more relaxed religion. I attended a couple of their services out of curiosity, but this didn't do anything for me either. I stopped going to church altogether after that, and I have not been happier :)
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By the sound of it, this man is not even willing to try and understand you. So, as stated above, changing his mind, or at least getting him to try and understand your viewpoint, is never going to happen.

I'm wondering, now, if maybe he has done something BDSM related in his past, that went wrong, and perhaps he is doing what he's doing to you now out of concern (although even if this is the case, I would still think that he's going about it completely the wrong way)? I'm guessing this is probably not likely, and that he is just being narrow minded after all, but maybe it wouldn't hurt to bring this up next time you speak to him?

I also have another question: how important is the church to you, especially when measured against how much you value BDSM? Is it just this one guy causing you problems, or do other church members feel the same way? Because if you wish to continue an actively religious life (you mentioned Christianity, but is this Catholic, Protestant, something else...?) then you need to be happy, and not made to feel like shit by members of your church.

I used to be a Catholic, but had a crisis of faith, I suppose you could call it, in around my late teens. I had been feeling sceptical and disillusioned for a number of years by this point, and having these thoughts wasn't doing me any good. I just wanted out of the Catholic Church, out of religion altogether in fact. My mother was not impressed by this, and set up an appointment with me to see our priest.

And this, let me tell you, was a very interesting chat. I just said to the priest straight, I don't believe in any of this stuff any more, it's not doing anything for me, I want out. And he looked me in the eye and said that it was okay to feel the way I did. That it was perfectly normal to feel this way, and that if I didn't think religion was going to be of any use to me, then there was no point in me pursuing it any further.

He was really good with me during that chat, and I left there feeling a whole lot better about things. I stopped going to church there, and a few months later, my parents converted from Catholic to Methodist, which, in my opinion, is a more relaxed religion. I attended a couple of their services out of curiosity, but this didn't do anything for me either. I stopped going to church altogether after that, and I have not been happier :)

Only the youth pastor and senior pastor were this way. Only they had a problem, everyone else didn't seem to care. The ones who did act like I was abnormal were ones I didn't care for anyway.

That church had a whole bunch of hypocrisy that finally surfaced when my Mom realized how much that man was lying when he selected a book written by a Catholic mystic (why are we, Protestants, supposed to read this?) for my Mom's Bible study she was supposed to lead. When she expressed concern, he called her incapable. Also he donates to LGBT groups, yet he claims he's not associated. WTF?

We changed churches to a onservative Reformed Baptist one when our family friends got disgusted with all of the crap going on, and they've completely accepted me. Even though their more strict with what they believe, they're also not a bunch of Pharisees in using rules to achieve holiness. IE that pastor's sermons were SO irreverant and he always talked about himself. The new pastor is intellectual, can really explain the Bible, and "smart funny", not touchy-feely, incapable of explaining the Bible, and appeals to the LCD.

My church is important, and my BDSM is slightly less important. Luckily, this new church realizes I'm just have a different approach to managing a relationship, and that I understand the lost art of chivalry and respect to women.

I've moved on with this issue with this guy. However, I may end up catching him at my Starbucks, so I'll just say hi and move on.
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Well, I'm glad you're happy with your new church; you have to do what's right :)

And I apologise, too, if I sounded like I was trying to 'sway' you in some way, when I described how I ended my lifelong relationship with the Catholic Church. I was a bit worried that what I said might come across like this, but I promise I wasn't trying to make you doubt yourself or anything :)
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